Secret Origins #1

It’s funny – whenever i exchange links with someone, over half those people end up categorizing Sonic Hurricane as a Guile website. Not that it bothers me, but if this were a character fansite, you’d probably find his blood type listed somewhere, right?

Let me go back to the beginning and tell you how it all went down. The first three videos i ever made were released on a website called – owned by the legendary Strider/Doom player himself, before we lost him to MMORGPs. At some point shortly after i finished my third video, someone forgot to pay a hosting bill so the website went down (and never got back up). Well, i figured it wouldn’t help matters to bug the other staff members about restoring the website. After waiting quietly for several weeks, i decided the best solution would be to create my own website and pay its hosting fees myself.

SSF2T Guile sketchEssentially Sonic Hurricane was built to house my homeless CvS2 videos. (You have to remember, this was years before rapidshare, youtube, and bittorrent.) Everything else was included as an afterthought. For instance, the primary reason i added an official artwork gallery and started writing articles was to make the navigation menu look fuller.

However, my main problem was that i needed a color layout and i happened to suck at graphic design. I mean, if you give me a choice between eight character palettes to use on a specific background, i can usually make the right decision. But if you give me 16,777,216 options and tell me to pick three matching colors, i’ll spend five hours trying to do it through trial and error, then surrender unconditionally.

So i did what any respectable fighting game fanatic would do: I found a Street Fighter sprite and hijacked its color scheme. Literally every font, logo, and border color found anywhere on sh/classic was extracted from Guile sprite palettes. If you’re asking why it had to be Guile, it was mainly out of respect for my oldschool combo video heroes, most of whom used Guile as their main combo character.

So you see, this was never meant to be a Street Fighter fansite. Guile’s only there for thematic decoration. Sonic Hurricane has always been a TZW fansite (and ozy and NKI and …)

9 thoughts on “Secret Origins #1

  1. Maj Post author

    Mixing up writing styles helps me avoid getting bored. Sometimes i’ll accidentally make a complicated grammar mistake and keep it if it’s interesting enough. For instance i’m not sure if the first sentence in the post is legit, because “whenever” implies “always” which conflicts with “over half” which is kind of like saying “usually always.”

    Anyway the reason things are moving so slowly is because i jumped in head-first with zero preparation. Right now the tentative plan is to post a technical/combo article every Tuesday and a strategy article every Saturday. I’ve also got a little surprise planned for Thursdays and maybe a combo video spotlight on Sundays. From there i’ll find a way to fill in the blanks if it seems necessary.

    Check back Tuesday for the first installment of technical mumbo jumbo!

  2. fullmetalross

    The brown under sonic hurricane always bugged me a bit… hahah J/K Now that the blog has more content I will add it to my RSS feed. Then I can stay up on all the Hurricane Happenings. Which btw should be your new gossip column or something.

  3. Maj Post author

    Haha who would i gossip about? “We heard a juicy rumor that an angry kid on SRK was talking shit about SF4. He called it ‘borin and laaame’ and threatened to exchange his copy of the game for DOA4. According to our sources, so far Yoshinori Ono has been giving him the cold shoulder. More on this story as it develops…”

    The other problem is that google already thinks this is a website about hurricanes. So far i’ve seen ads for hurricane shutters, hurricane window shutters, hurricane katrina donations, hurricane candle holders, hurricane oil lamps, and so ons. Not exactly captivating.

  4. fullmetalross

    hahaha sweet hurricane window shutters. I bet there has got to be a way to make sure the ads they show are better. You should just make up gossip like a fight between Magnetro and Joo results in the end of Mvc2 combo videos or something….

  5. Maj Post author

    Dude the best one yet came up yesterday: “Delicious Bison Combos” with a “100% Great Taste Guarantee!”

    First of all, i was not aware that people had found a way to eat bison. Second, you’d think that after all this time, bison products distributors would have gotten google to put red flags on the terms M.Bison, Psycho Crusher, Scissor Kick, and paint the fence.

    This just in: Mike Watson has decapitated Ryan “Gootecks” Gutierrez in the Denjin Arcade parking lot! It’s gruesome folks. There’s blood everywhere. Witnesses claim to have heard loud honking sounds moments before M.Watson drove a black semi truck through the gate and directly into the innocent podcaster. Watson could not be reached for comment, so we just don’t know what was going through his mind at the time.

  6. Maj Post author

    Ladies and gentlemen, we have a most disturbing update for you tonight. We have eye-witness reports indicating that the headless body of Gootecks is rampaging wildly through the streets of Simi Valley. It seems that Denjin Arcade was constructed atop the remains of an ancient Mayan graveyard. Conventional weaponry has proven to be completely ineffectual against this terrifying threat – which brings us to the question: How does one kill a headless zombie??

    In other news, we’ve received word that MrWizard is hard at work within the U.S. Olympic Swim Facility, training for a followup race facing renowned fierce rival Floe. Unfortunately, Floe could not be reached for comment. We’ve been told that he has sworn off human contact until he has avenged his loss at Evo2k9. More on this story as it develops.


    Hahaha Maj you should be a SF News Anchor!
    We just received an update on “cannon drill” ladies and gentlemen, it appears that this is a special move executed by a woman in a tight one piece bikini and it has nothing to do with setting up an artillery cannon!!!

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