CV Spotlight: SlimX’s Random 3S Videos Continued

Ready for another batch of 3S craziness? Third Strike combo legend SlimX is back with more bizarre discoveries! (He’s back in the sense that he never stopped, which still kind of counts if you squint metaphorically.)

Random 3S Video #5 | #6 | #7

The fifth and sixth one are combos – unique, to say the least. In fact, i liked the fifth one so much that i (unwittingly) requested a slow motion replay and he was kind enough to oblige. Check out how those sound effects go from funny to awesome to soul-piercingly eerie!

Right, anyway, the sixth one is very stylish and the seventh covers a few bonus stage glitches. And the best part is, i’m sure there’ll be more on the way soon. Keep ’em coming dude!

3 thoughts on “CV Spotlight: SlimX’s Random 3S Videos Continued

  1. Bob Sagat

    Wow, that’s some crazy stuff! I love the MP ball flying in just to get that extra hit at the end.

  2. Maj Post author

    Well, i guess SlimX isn’t going to be posting any more of these, so here are the remaining two for the sake of completeness:

    Random 3S Video #8 | #9

    Both are helluva awesome, especially the Kikosho vs Seichusen Godanzuki freeze frame in the last one. If he updates again, i’ll give these a proper spotlight. If not, it was fun while it lasted.

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