CV Spotlight: gilley’s SF4 Guile Sequel

Alright, does it come as any surprise to anyone that i’d spotlight this combo video as soon as it was released? Somehow i seriously doubt it.

Street Fighter 4 Guile combos 2

The much-anticipated follow-up to last year’s wildly successful original video (807,131 views and counting!) certainly does not disappoint. Once again, gilley comes through with an assortment of highly technical – not to mention incredibly difficult – advanced Guile combos. Perhaps the most amazing thing about this video is that nearly all of its contents were manually executed; but if anyone can do it, it’d be the charge master himself.

Obviously that five-Focus combo at 2:41 stands out, as does that great finishing combo. Not everything is Sonic Booms and Flash Kicks, though. How cool is that normal move sequence on Abel at 0:50 or the fiercefest at 1:53? Personally, i always enjoy seeing Sonic Boom canceled into super before impact, so i’m glad he snuck that in at 2:16 as well. It’s a great video all around, and gives us a glimpse into Guile’s true combo potential in SF4.

7 thoughts on “CV Spotlight: gilley’s SF4 Guile Sequel

  1. fenris

    My favorite was the jumping roundhouse into ultra, been trying to pull it off for hours now…

  2. Jinbish


    I *think* that Gilley was on record saying somewhere that this particular combo, j.rh-ultra, was tool assisted. I could be wrong on that one because I can’t seem to find the comment…

  3. Maj Post author

    Yeah i saw him mention it on SRK, where he said that “j.rh > ultra and df+rh > super” were tool-assisted using a macro program on the PC version.

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