Weekly Screenshot: Lakers Win!

Congratulations to the Los Angeles Lakers for winning their 16th NBA Championship and congratulations to Kobe Bryant on receiving his second Finals MVP Award! This whole season has been a pleasure to watch. And hats off to the Celtics for playing their hearts out all series.


VH2 L.Raptor’s Hell Dunk finishes off Rikuo. In Japan, they’re known as Zabel and Aulbath, respectively. (Every number signifies something related to today’s Game 7.)

Also i want to say thanks to everyone for your show of support in continuing to subscribe to my u2b channel. I saw yesterday that the total has surpassed 4,000 now! That’s unbelievable. I don’t know what else to say. Thank you sirs and ma’ams.

16 thoughts on “Weekly Screenshot: Lakers Win!

  1. CPS2

    16 wins for Lakers, 24 for Kobe’s number, … 5 would be the amount of championships Kobe has? and 10… is that for 2010?

  2. Maj Post author

    CPS2: Actually 5 was for Kevin Garnett’s jersey number on the Celtics, but i suppose it doubles for Kobe’s 5 chips as well. You’re right about 10 on the timer representing 2010. Lastly, the lifebars are broken up into 4 parts; like losing 4 games means elimination in a 7-game series. The Lakers won 4-3, so the left side has exactly 25% vitality while the right side has 0%. What’s strange is there were only a few characters with a decent green-colored ball transformation. Basically came down to Hsien-Ko, Rikuo, and Pyron. Honestly, Pyron was the best choice but the two stages he fought on both sucked.

    error1: Nah, there’ll be plenty of time to choose while Evo preparations slow down my TACV schedule. Also, “Lakers Win!” was the very first title that came to mind when i just wanted to hurry up and post the screenshot. I might replace it later if i come up with something better.

    Snoooootch: No clue, honestly. Obviously i have a lot of background knowledge regarding the character, but i haven’t looked at him in SF4 at all.

  3. Snoooootch

    Wow, at all?! That’s crazy. Well, I’ve been picking him up for Super, but am having a hard time having fun with him. There are certain character that I feel are used for having fun, and others used for winning. I know it may sound wrong, but take Guile for example. I really don’t see how one can have fun with him. I see him as more of a “playing to win” kinda character, as opposed to Fei, or even Ryu, which feel more of a “play for fun,” and it is all regardless of who the player is. The vibe the characters give, to me anyway, shape my desire to play with them, for I play more for fun than I do to win. Therein, I am having a tough time liking Guile. (This is all just based on my thoughts. I’m not you all, so I expect many to disagree)

  4. error1

    It just depends on what kind of play style you have fun with. I have lots of fun playing keep away with Blanka or Sagat or Dhalsim but on the other hand I can’t stand playing cammy or chun or elf. A good Guile needs to hold that db and throw a lot of booms and not everyone enjoys a turtle

  5. ShaXan

    I like to turtle with Dhalsim, and I rushdown with Guile with boom pressure. It’s weird. My Rog is rushdown, which leads to many unfortunate comebacks, like EX upper loop reset with EX overhead often leads to super/ultra comebacks. Or EX overhead on wake up.

    With Dee Jay, I mindfuck them with short hops on wakeup. I don’t play footsies much because I suck at them, but I try with Guile and Balrog.

  6. jamheald

    I think that’s my favourite thing about rushdown, comebacks. So many times I’ve hit a saks loop ultra, fff ultra or a dive kick into ultra and reclaimed the game.

  7. ShadowXSnake

    I don’t know man, I think that learning to turtle in itself is choosing “play-to-win,” regardless of character. I’ve been working on a turtle Gen, and Gen really isn’t the type of character that one might consider “play-to-win.” Then just this morning I play some casuals with a few friends of mine, and I employed a rushdown Gen, which made him suddenly “play-for-fun.” It paid off because I got two perfects, a serious accomplishment for Gen, especially since my friends know the matchup and some of them are markedly better than I. On the other end of things, I’ve seen people really do okay with rushdown Guiles, and I distinctly recall that Daigo’s Guile at the Super Prerelease thing was not much of a turtle. He really kept the pressure up against Justin Dong’s Rufus.

    Also, @Shaxan: I would say there’s a distinct difference between turtling and zoning, and I have a difficult time wrapping my head around the idea of a good Dhalsim “turtle.” If you really are turtling with him, what are you doing? Teleport and block all day? Doesn’t seem all that safe, IMO.

  8. Maj Post author

    Dammit: Dude. Awesome! Thanks.

    Snoooootch: Well, i’m not exactly an oldschool Guile purist. My favorite version of the character (in terms of match play) is CvS series Guile, where he has a strong footsies emphasis and his optimal play style doesn’t always begin with “Sonic” and end with “Boom.”

  9. error1

    I don’t think any one who has ever played me would accuse me of playing to win and I play a lot of turtle Blanka. And I turtle hard with what ever character I’m playing. It doesn’t mean I don’t take risks and do crazy stuff it just means I let the opponent come to me.

  10. Maj Post author

    Yeah it’s just a different style requiring a different attitude. Rushdown is more like playing God of War where you just charge into the fray and brawl your way out. If that’s what you want to do, rushdown is your way to go.

    But i’m sure most of us have also tried playing at least one tower defense game and had fun doing it. Obviously it’s a different approach because you can’t even move in that genre, but you’re forced to look at win conditions in a totally different light. Going back to fighting games, you can look at your lifebar, your meter, your stage position, and your gameplan with the same perspective and enjoy turtling.

    The issue really isn’t whether turtling is fun, because it clearly can be. I think the bigger issue is whether turtling is fun to play against. Most people would instinctively say it’s not. But then, how much fun is it to get randomed out by Magneto/Makoto mixup routines that are simply too fast or too ambiguous to react to? Losing to rushdown can be unfun too.

    You just have to find the right balance. In terms of not getting frustrated, it all comes down to expanding your operative range. Most people probably can’t cope with SooMighty‘s Magneto or Justin‘s Chun Li, but you’d be surprised how far you can stretch your comfort zone if you put your mind to it.

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