CV Spotlight: OHNX CMV

OzHadou Nationals X was held in Australia this weekend as a Road to Evo 2012 tournament. CPS2 stepped up to edit this multi-game collaborative combovid for a live premiere in front of the attending audience. It was shown yesterday, between KoFXIII and UMvC3 finals.


Featuring contributions from eleven well-known combo makers, this video contains a wide assortment of classic and modern fighting games. Usually these projects take several months to come together, but somehow CPS2 got it done in 2-3 weeks – and it turned out great!

The two ST Guile combos were recorded as test clips a long while ago. The one at 1:02 was the prototype for the Guile mirror combo at 7:29 in SF? Guile Exhibition – minus the Time Over setup. In case anyone was wondering how it would look without that setup, now you know. The other clip at 4:02 was the most i could get out of a backwards super vs Zangief.

I also recorded the CvS and CFE combos based on some ideas that Keiko and i brainstormed, but i don’t have much to say about those clips – except that Izuna Dropping dinosaurs is cool.

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