SF4 Combo Challenge 04: Dhalsim

Fair warning: Dhalsim’s challenge is slightly complicated, because Dhalsim is a complicated fellow. Hopefully you guys will have fun with this though.

Dhalsim’s Yoga Catastrophe ultra and Yoga Inferno super both have seemingly unlimited juggle potential. However, they create free juggle states only under certain circumstances.

Challenge: Combo any mix of seven supers and ultras.

Rule #1: Set both of Dhalsim’s gauges to Refill – not Infinite.

Rule #2: Don’t repeat any sequence of three attacks. (In other words, once you’ve performed any attack triplet, you can never repeat that triplet again. For example you can do three ultras in a row, but you can’t do a fourth. Nor can you do three ultras, followed by some other attack, followed by three ultras again. Pretty simple, right?)

Hard Mode: Find a pattern that hasn’t been posted yet.

12 thoughts on “SF4 Combo Challenge 04: Dhalsim

  1. N00b_Saib0t

    holy hell. i usually feel a little better about not being able to do these by at least knowing HOW to do them. this one, however, leaves me stumped. i’m gonna have to check out some of the video responses to this.

  2. Maj Post author

    Sweet, DaDoppen uploaded the first video response. His solution is:

    super, ultra, ultra, ultra, super, ultra, super, LP Yoga Fire

    Here’s a breakdown of all the triplets he used:

    super, ultra, ultra
    ultra, ultra, ultra
    ultra, ultra, super
    ultra, super, ultra
    super, ultra, super

    No repeats. And i like how you high he raised Balrog with that second super.

  3. Maj Post author

    However, that second one posted by smileymike101 is slightly off. His solution was to get Seth very close to dizzy and perform:

    ultra, ultra, ultra, super, B+LK (Seth dizzy), ultra, ultra, super, B+LK

    Which means the triplets are:

    ultra, ultra, ultra
    ultra, ultra, super
    ultra, super, B+LK
    super, B+LK, ultra
    B+LK, ultra, ultra
    ultra, ultra, super

    So he repeated the ultra-ultra-super triplet. Clever idea though. If he finds a way to change that part, we’re good.

  4. Maj Post author

    Thank you sir, that one’s perfect. Here’s the full sequence:

    ultra, ultra, ultra, super, B+LK (Seth dizzy), super, ultra, ultra

    And here’s the triplet breakdown:

    ultra, ultra, ultra
    ultra, ultra, super
    ultra, super, B+LK
    super, B+LK, super
    B+LK, super, ultra
    super, ultra, ultra

    Mind if i just leave the old comment there? It doesn’t bother me or anyone and i don’t want to do that much micromanaging. Anyway it’s not like this place is a fancy museum, haha.

  5. Maj Post author

    Nice, ultracrazy1 posted another approach and it’s my favorite so far:

    ultra, ultra, whiff DF+LK, s.HP, ultra, ultra, super, ultra, ultra

    ultra, ultra, s.HP
    ultra, s.HP, ultra
    s.HP, ultra, ultra
    ultra, ultra, super
    ultra, super, ultra
    super, ultra, ultra

    No repeats here either. That s.HP is a clever pattern reset.

  6. Maj Post author

    Bissebisse uploaded yet another solution, again featuring Seth:

    super, ultra, ultra, super, B+MK (Seth dizzy), ultra, ultra, ultra

    super, ultra, ultra
    ultra, ultra, super
    ultra, super, B+MK
    super, B+MK, ultra
    B+MK, ultra, ultra
    ultra, ultra, ultra

    Looks like everyone’s starting to get the hang of this.

  7. Maj Post author

    smileymike101 (aka fanspeedx?) posted up my new favorite:

    super, ultra, super, ultra, ultra, ultra, super

    super, ultra, super
    ultra, super, ultra
    super, ultra, ultra
    ultra, ultra, ultra
    ultra, ultra, super

    Looks so dope in action!

  8. Smileymike101

    Yes I am fanspeedx but i changed my name to match my youtube and SRK accounts to be less confusing.Im glad you like it.

  9. Maj Post author

    Mienaikage recorded the first solution containing an EX special:

    ultra, EX Yoga Fire, ultra, super, ultra, ultra, ultra, super

    ultra, EX Yoga Fire, ultra
    EX Yoga Fire, ultra, super
    ultra, super, ultra
    super, ultra, ultra
    ultra, ultra, ultra
    ultra, ultra, super

    Two ultra freezes which captured the ultra explosion shockwave!

  10. Maj Post author

    I was gonna stop posting these updates but PimpWilly put together such an elaborate production that i have to mention it:

    ultra, dash forward, lvl3 Focus Attack xx dash backward, ultra, ultra, super, ultra, ultra, ultra

    ultra, lvl3 Focus Attack, ultra
    lvl3 Focus Attack, ultra, ultra
    ultra, ultra, super
    ultra, super, ultra
    super, ultra, ultra
    ultra, ultra, ultra

    Dope editing and everything.

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