Etc Spotlight: 83 Til – Your Commute

Well, i definitely wasn’t planning on doing this with every video they release, but it’s been so long since their last one that it’s practically breaking news again.

I’m sure you all recognize 83 Til for providing every SSF4 Month-One soundtrack and serving up the beats in style exhibition – four of them to be exact. Here’s their long-awaited, much-requested, second official video.

83 Til – Your Commute

This was originally meant to be a quick follow-up release with basic editing, but it evolved into something much more elaborate. Was it worth the wait? I think so. I guess this is one of the benefits of having a dj/producer who happens to be a graphic designer by trade.

“While you still got curcumin on the brush of your broom … stick.”

3 thoughts on “Etc Spotlight: 83 Til – Your Commute

  1. Maj Post author

    Apparently curcumin is a principal component of the Indian spice tumeric. What it has to do with broomsticks, i have no idea. I kept thinking about that quote but couldn’t figure it out so i asked them.

    He said, “I don’t know man. Witch doctor stuff. It’s one of those things that sounds cool enough where you think, ‘I probably shouldn’t use this because it makes no s… Nah it’s good.'”


  2. Maj Post author

    Hah, i guess he did. I wonder if that’s where they got the inspiration. I kind of doubt it because SFEX would be such an obscure reference, but then again you never know. Everyone loves at least one budget game they received as a present when they were a kid.

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