Category Archives: Uncategorized

Snazzy New Layout

What do you guys think? Not bad huh? I’m digging it so far, though i’m sure i’ll find dozens of minor annoyances in no time. 0100001100100111011001010111001101110100 0110110001100001 011101100110100101100101.

Alright back to Zangief / El Fuerte combos. SF4 Gief is a combo beast! You’ll see. Or maybe you won’t. Maybe i’m bluffing? Suspense, tovarishch!

So What’s the Grand Plan Here?

So far things have been going okay – not great, not terrible. Since adopting this update format, there have been some encouraging moments along with more than a few disheartening moments, but i’ve decided not to let it bother me. I’ll keep going until at least the end of the year before i take a serious look at the numbers to determine whether this is worth continuing.

For those of you asking for a schedule, the tentative plan is to post a technical/combo article every Tuesday and a strategy article every Saturday, with a new screenshot thrown in every Thursday. On Sundays i’ll highlight a particularly cool combo video released recently (by someone else). The rest of the week will vary.

Regarding the layout, here’s how i see it playing out. At some point someone will call it ugly and several people will nod silently, including me. Then a brave soul will emerge from the nodding masses and offer to help me make it less ugly. I’ll do what he/she says, and either make everyone happy or lose everything to hackage.

For those of you asking how you can help, there’s really not much to be done apart from posting comments when you have something to say or a question to ask. There are obvious benefits to having some discussion to go along with these topics because there’s always more to examine, and someone always says something interesting that i hadn’t considered. At the same time, i know that most people who see something cool here will want to discuss it with their friends first, so the SRK people will go back to SRK, etc. I’m not going to bother trying to fight that.

Like i mentioned at the beginning, if it seems like people are enjoying this stuff and if i can find a way to earn minimum wage based on the hours i spend producing content, i’ll gladly keep doing it indefinitely.

Watch This Space …

So i’ve been kicking around the idea of starting something like a blog here, probably updated a couple times per week. The focus will be split between technical combo ramblings and match strategy observations, along with a few surprises thrown in. I’m not the toppest player around and i’ve never won a tournament, but sometimes i notice stuff that other people don’t. Since i’ve been around the tournament community for a while, maybe my viewpoint will be interesting to players who came to SRK hoping to understand fighting games better. - Fighting Game Combos, Tutorials, Matches, Screenshots, and Strategy

The only catch is that in order to justify the amount of time this demands, i’ll have to install some ad banners and such on the website. I’ve been producing multimedia content for the fighting game community for almost a decade now and i’ve never tried (or wanted) to make any money from it. In fact i honestly doubt i’ll ever break the minimum wage barrier. But it would still help to balance out the sacrifices i always make to work on a video or research an article.

Um… Is that cool with everyone? What do you guys think?

Everything about this section of Sonic Hurricane will probably change dramatically over the next few months, including the content, the layout, the subject matter, and the presentation, until it turns into something that works well. Hopefully it’ll gradually become more convenient and organized. Ad placement and content will change a lot as well. (I’m not even sure whether anyone in the SRK crowd bothers clicking on web ads, so i wouldn’t be surprised if everyone left me out to dry and this experiment turned into a disaster. But that’s no longer a good enough reason not to try.)

So … here goes nothin’ …