Category Archives: Screenshots

Weekly Screenshot: Shock and Thaw

Whoever comes up with the best title picks the game highlighted in the next few screenshots. As always, the rules are one entry per person and i’ll choose my favorite on Monday.


NW Lord Raptor’s Death Voltage trades with Huitzil’s PPP ES Plasma Beam, freezing L.Raptor and electrocuting Huitzil. Frozen sprites are universal for the entire cast, but each character has a unique electrocution animation. Huitzil, Pyron, Donovan, Raptor, and Hsien-Ko have the most interesting electrocuted sprites.

Weekly Screenshot: Acid Burn

Here’s one of two Night Warriors screenshots left over from before. Whoever comes up with the best title gets to choose the character paired with Sakura for the next SF4 Biweekly TACV! As always, the rules are one entry per person and i’ll choose my favorite on Monday.


NW Demitri’s LP air Chaos Flare burns an air dashing Hsien-Ko as he lands on his own LP Chaos Flare reflected by Hsien-Ko’s LP Reflect Gong. Each of Demitri’s palette options has a different fireball color which causes a matching flame animation, but Hsien-Ko’s reflect reverts the damage animation to the default orange flame.

Weekly Screenshot: Trapped Mime! I Will Rescue You!

Ah what the hell, one more SFIV screenshot for the road. Whoever comes up with the best title gets to choose the next featured SF4 Biweekly TACV character after Akuma’s installment! As always, the rules are one entry per person and i’ll choose my favorite on Monday.


SF4 El Fuerte’s El Fuerte Flying Giga Buster ultra startles Rufus’ vertical j.HP descent. These two were the only unused characters remaining on my select screen, but i couldn’t think of anything cool to show so i went with goofy instead.

SF4 Screenshot Special: Epic Dodgeball

Here’s the last batch of Street Fighter IV screenshots. If you click on each image, then click on the “All Sizes” icon, the 1280 x 720 option will give you the native resolution lossless PNG file.

Whoever comes up with the best title for the Chun Li vs Cammy picture up top gets to choose the character paired with Akuma for the next SF4 Biweekly TACV! As always, the rules are one entry per person and i’ll choose my favorite on Monday.


SF4 Chun Li cancels HP Kikoken into HK Senretsukyaku and Cammy times her HK Spin Drive Smasher so that both their superfreezes occur simultaneously.

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SF4 Screenshot Special: Approaching Bloody Asymptote

Whoever comes up with the best title for the Vega vs Balrog image up top gets to choose the next featured SF4 Biweekly TACV character after Gen’s episode! As always, the rules are one entry per person and i’ll choose my favorite on Monday.


SF4 Vega’s Bloody High Claw ultra targets the wall behind Balrog as he executes his LK Dash Low Smash, resulting in both characters’ attacks facing the same direction.

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