Category Archives: Screenshots

SF4 Screenshot Special: Clash of Soul’s Echoes

Whoever comes up with the best title for the Guile vs Rose image up top gets to choose the character paired with Gen for the next SF4 Biweekly TACV! As always, the rules are one entry per person and i’ll choose my favorite on Monday.


SF4 Guile cancels HP Sonic Boom into LK Double Flash while Rose EX Focus Attack dash cancels LP Soul Spark, then activates her Illusion Spark ultra as their projectiles collide.

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Weekly Screenshot: Laser Lower Half Removal

Whoever comes up with the best title picks the game highlighted in the next few screenshots. As always, the rules are one entry per person and i’ll choose my favorite on Monday.


VH2 Huitzil’s PPP ES Plasma Beam charges up as Anakaris’ air Pharaoh Decoration hovers over Huitzil’s Ray of Doom replica beams. Since Vampire Hunter 2 was only released in Japanese arcades, Huitzil is addressed by his alternate name – Phobos.

Weekly Screenshot: Archfiend Waltz

Whoever comes up with the best title gets to pick the next SF4 Biweekly TACV character! As always, the rules are one entry per person and i’ll choose my favorite on Monday.


VS Demitri’s Demon Billion swarm follows Jedah’s backdash. It’s not very advanced technically, but i like the way it looks. Plus the game is called Vampire Savior, so its two central vampiric fighters deserve to be in the limelight, right?