Monthly Archives: April 2010

Sonic Hurricane Combo DVD Preorders

Back when we had that discussion about ways to keep regular website updates going, one of your suggestions was to sell combo DVDs. That sounds like a pretty good idea at the moment. In fact the more i thought about it, the less of a reason i had not to give it a shot.

My first idea was to compile a DVD of all my previous work from 2002-2008, then put together a second DVD collecting every SF4 TACV episode. However, it seems like a much better plan to wait until i’ve finished the entire SF4 TACV series to include every project i’ve completed thus far on one disc. Of course, that means it’ll take longer to finish and i’ll have to take a small break from SF4 when SSF4 arrives, but i think the wait will be worth it in the long-run.

If i make it a priority, i’m fairly certain i can get this thing done by Evo2k10 in early July. I can even take a bunch of copies with me to Evo for anyone who wants to pick one up in person instead of waiting for it to arrive in the mail.

Alright, so what’s this going to cost? I think $15 (plus shipping) is a fair price. Nobody can say that i haven’t been putting enough effort into this, and i couldn’t even calculate how much time i’ve sunk into making combo videos if we go all the way back to 2002. But more importantly, 95% of everything i’ve ever produced is freely available – either through sh/classic or my u2b channel. Obviously i’ll include a few small extras as a bonus for people who buy the DVD, but otherwise i’m not holding anything back from people who hate spending money.

For the record, i’m still not too comfortable with accepting donations, but at least this way people can support the site while receiving something tangible in return. And if anyone wants to give more, you can always buy a second copy and give it away as a gift to your friends.

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SF4 Screenshot Special: Epic Dodgeball

Here’s the last batch of Street Fighter IV screenshots. If you click on each image, then click on the “All Sizes” icon, the 1280 x 720 option will give you the native resolution lossless PNG file.

Whoever comes up with the best title for the Chun Li vs Cammy picture up top gets to choose the character paired with Akuma for the next SF4 Biweekly TACV! As always, the rules are one entry per person and i’ll choose my favorite on Monday.


SF4 Chun Li cancels HP Kikoken into HK Senretsukyaku and Cammy times her HK Spin Drive Smasher so that both their superfreezes occur simultaneously.

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