Weekly Screenshot: Archfiend Waltz

Whoever comes up with the best title gets to pick the next SF4 Biweekly TACV character! As always, the rules are one entry per person and i’ll choose my favorite on Monday.


VS Demitri’s Demon Billion swarm follows Jedah’s backdash. It’s not very advanced technically, but i like the way it looks. Plus the game is called Vampire Savior, so its two central vampiric fighters deserve to be in the limelight, right?

56 thoughts on “Weekly Screenshot: Archfiend Waltz


    when sunlight, silver, wooden stakes and garlic fail to kill only one thing left to do

  2. Maj Post author

    Snoooootch: Because you think it’s funny or because you two have formed a secret alliance to vote everyone else off Combo Island?

  3. Snoooootch


    lol, what?

    Nah, I just really think glorp’s title is really cool.

    Didn’t mean anything offensive by it. Nice rose video, by the way. I never have seen more projectiles all at once in a single screen!

  4. Snoooootch

    oh wait, did I win?!?!?!?

    If so, I pick Fei!

    I hope I don’t embarrass myself thinking I won. I’m not sure if I did.

    But in case I did, I . . . yes, Fei Long!

  5. Snoooootch

    oh wait, I’m an idiot, it’s not monday yet.

    Carry on.

    yeah, I’m a comic book freak, and although Batman is not my favorite, I loved Glorp’s reference. Perfectly worded.

    anyway, yeah, carry on everyone. There’s still time!

  6. Killweir

    Judah invested all his money in “clean coal”

    By winter he was broke, and was forced to use his own blood to lure flaming bats into his house for warmth… and sadly companionship.

  7. crowbait

    Build a man a fire and you keep him warm for a day…

    (Too long, I know. But the follow-up is “set a man on fire and you keep him wrong for the rest of his life.)

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