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![]() performed and edited by Maj (3:58, 14,463 KB, WMV8) CvS2 Chun Li Strategy Guide Reference
Game Versions: Capcom vs SNK / Dreamcast / Japan / 2000 This video was featured on Clockw0rk.com a mere two months after the game's release. It was my first attempt at video making, inspired by what tragic taught me while collaborating with him on the two gamecombos.com CvS2 C-Groove Exhibitions. Most of the strategy clips focus on offensive mix-ups and crossup setups that have since become commonplace in high-level play. Combos and random bonuses that were fairly innovative at the time comprise the rest of the video. In keeping with the nostalgia, this reference is taken directly from the original Shoryuken.com thread explaining everything in the video. All combos were performed on a standard Dreamcast pad without any assistance, using the Training Mode Dummy feature whenever an opponent action was necessary.
Chun Li Tactics
1) Counter Attack into lvl3 Puffball super. This is a sort of useful tactic that gives N-Chun with stock broken and two extra dots a great deal of pressure ability in the corner, because your opponent can't even risk you blocking an attack. Comes in handy every once in awhile. 2) This is pretty self-explanatory. Chun Li's c.MP can duck under mid-level fireballs and super fireballs. It doesn't duck under for the whole duration of the move however, so don't think you can do c.MP under LP fireballs. The first fireball that Ryu throws is an MP red fireball, so basically as long as they're not LP fireballs you're good to go. 3) Just as she can c.MP under mid-level fireballs, Chun Li can s.HK over ground fireballs. The first fireball Terry throws is done with LP and the second is HP, so it is possible to go over LP fireballs with her s.HK but much easier to go over them with her F+HK since it moves forward as well. I use her F+HK the second time to demonstrate this. The last bit is another use of her c.MP - to duck under certain attacks, specials, and supers that don't hit all the way down to the ground and buffer into an appropriate super. It also shows the ability to cancel lvl2 supers into Taunts, which i thought was a cool, (but mostly useless) tidbit for Capcom to have included.
4) Some air attacks come out relatively slowly, but once they are out they have great vertical and horizontal reach, and have awesome priority to the point where they are often difficult to even DP cleanly. Rock's j.HK, Mai's j.HK, and Yamazaki's j.HK are good examples of this. While it may be difficult for Chun Li to deal with them using her ground-based anti-air (since she has no uber-priority anti-air special), a well-timed air throw will often beat these attacks - and is a lot less dangerous than it seems because an air throw does more damage than the jumpins mentioned, since for most characters, it's impossible to combo off air to air attacks in CvS2.
5) This clip just shows the versatility of Chun Li's s.HK superjump cancelability when used as anti-air. If it's Parried or Just Defended, you can jump cancel to air throw before they are able to bust out a hard attack or if you think they're gonna try to parry your followup attack, or you can jump cancel away if you're trying to get some space.
6) This shows three very important things. First, it shows a Chun Li panty shot, which is always dope. Second, it shows a very good use of dodge for Chun Li (and lots of other characters). There are a lot of situations where your opponent will play wakeup games using either a very high-priority poke, a long-lasting fireball-type special/super, or will create a situation where you simply have to guess if you should do a wakeup or not (and having to guess is giving up control, which is always a bad thing). Now the ability to use dodge as a wake-up/Reversal is very important because it allows you to get around ANY poke, avoid ALL block damage, and take care of two scenarios at once - the one where your opponent attacks and the one where your opponent simply blocks. So the only option left for them is to throw you. But if they are outside throw range, then this leaves them with no way to punish your wake-up dodge which means you get to take a whole chunk out of their wake-up game options and make it very difficult for them to make you guess. Third, it shows the ability to cancel dodges into dodges. This basically makes it is impossible for your opponent to force you into taking block damage unless they put you into block stun somehow beforehand. It comes in handy sometimes.
7) I think what Chun does to Geese right here is downright cheap. It's VERY difficult for any character to combo a normal after a short jump attack. On top of that, in order to do this they have to do the attack very late during their jump arc. Not only is it (for some inexplicable reason) easy to combo after the second hit of Chun Li's j.HPHP, but the fact that she attacks twice means you get to take up space in front of you in the middle of the jump and still be able to attack late enough to combo off a short jump attack. This is a very powerful offensive option, and even if your opponent blocks high, they will often block the first j.HP then duck too soon and get hit by the second hit.
8) This clip showcases Chun Li's options after her kick super. I use lvl1 kick supers in S-Groove to demonstrate how scary she can be when low on life, but it takes three lvl1 supers to stun Blanka so this scenario can arise in a number of Grooves. You'll also notice that Blanka starts with zero Stun. In an actual battle, by the time you land one your opponent will usually have about 20-30 Stun points built up, so if you can string just two of these together, you're pretty much guaranteed to Stun your opponent. Chun Li Combos 1) I picked these based on what i thought looked cool. I think there are enough practical combos in the Tactics section to fill almost every need that would arise in a real game. This first combo takes such perfect spacing that i thought it would be worthwhile to show my setup for it before the combo starts (close s.HP, c.LK puts you at the perfect distance). Chun Li's far s.LK has some weird chain property, where it chains into a different s.LK and into yet another s.LK, all of which are bufferable into specials/supers. It looks cool i think, but the game is really picky on the distances. I link the lvl1 puffball super after the lvl3 kick super without any cancels. 2) This combo just shows that you can superjump cancel her lvl3 kick super into an attack, then juggle with her lvl1 puffball super. Since superjump canceling her kick super gives you a free juggle, the j.HP is considered the juggle starter, so as far as the puffball juggle count is concerned, the state immediately following the j.HP is equivalent to the state following the last kick of the kick super in the previous combo. That's why the lvl1 puffball super does the same number of hits in this combo as it does in the previous one. I'm sure the details of the combo engine will be catalogued somewhere soon enough, but basically it follows CvS1 juggle rules with a bunch of new additions and exceptions. 3) This combo is especially useless but that much cooler because of it. It turns out Chun Li's F+MK gives her a good deal of frame advantage when it connects, and her close s.HK comes out fast enough to combo and can be superjump canceled into a j.MK for three hits total! Guile airthrowing Chun Li just goes to prove that it is indeed a useless combo. It might have been useful if she could combo j.D+MK (stomp) after s.HK since she would bounce away to safety, but it just doesn't come out fast enough to work. The core of this combo was omni's creation so he deserves credit for it. I just added the F+MK, s.HK link to it. 4) In case you hadn't noticed, this combo works only in the left corner because of the corner differences in the way the opponent bounces from Chun Li's DF+HK (demonstrated at the end of the video). However, she can CC just as well (if not better) in the right corner because the opponent remains cornered on that side. Again, i just thought it looked cool to do twelve stomps and then OTG throw Rolento. Again, omni deserves credit for finding that normal throws can be used to OTG Rolento and Dan, but can only be done once to the opponent in every case except a small handful of specific throws (Chang's, Hibiki's, Maki's, and Yun's). For the record, Chun Li can follow up the last stomp with a late air attack as she's landing, do c.HK xx kick super and still get to superjump cancel the kick super at the end provided the opponent is in the corner. Then again, wasting 4/5 of the CC on twelve stomps wasn't the best way to begin a damaging Custom anyway. Just a cool lookin' combo i thought. 5) Everyone that knows me knows how much i was into CvS1 before CvS2 came out, so i figured i'd include a dope CvS1 Chun Li combo i hadn't seen in any combo videos. The trick is to be far enough away from the opponent when you do the Tenshou Kyaku that it doesn't connect until her leg is fully extended. This allows her to land before her opponent, giving her enough time to bust out the lvl3 Hazan Tenshou Kyaku and have it all juggle. For a while i was considering telling people that i had found a new outfit, new stage, new special, new super, and new taunt for Chun Li. I wonder how many people would have fallen for it, considering how few actually played CvS1 :P Random Bonus Combos 1) Everyone knows how much i like Guile so it was probably no surprise that he shows up like 203498029834234 times in this video. This combo's dope because it took me five hours to do. Well, it didn't take me that long to actually do, but it took me forever to figure out what i could and could not do. It started with me wanting to do LP Sonic Boom, running after it to do c.MK then running forward and doing c.MP, c.LP, s.MP xx lvl3 Total Wipeout, lvl1 Somersault Strike (the LP Sonic Boom is supposed to connect after the c.MK connects, giving me enough time to run up and continue the combo). However, after hours of trying to get this all to work on my DC pad (not joystick mind you) in conjunction with the Training Mode Dummy (since i had nobody to help me out), i realized that although you can do that whole combo with a lvl3 Sonic Hurricane at the end, you can't do a lvl3 Total Wipeout at the end and have it all combo. Since i like the other Sonic Hurricane combo on this video better, i figured i'd just go with the Total Wipeout combo you see on the video. Doesn't look too complicated but there's some crazy stuff going on in this combo too. For some reason, in CvS2 if a fireball hits after you hit a cornered opponent with a forward-moving attack, you don't get pushed back like you normally would by having done the attack. Doing j.HK, c.LP, s.HP with Guile is damn hard normally. It's impossible if you put a LP Sonic Boom in front of it, but if you get the LP Sonic Boom to connect after the j.HK, it suddenly all works. Weird and quirky, and cool enough to be in my video. 2) This combo is made possible by one principle. Guile's c.MK, c.MP is a natural link that gives you a two-hit combo. Guile's c.MP is not instant, but his lvl3 Sonic Hurricane is instant. So you put those two facts together, and you get c.MK, lvl3 Sonic Hurricane working as a link! Since you don't have to buffer the c.MK and can wait for it to finish, you have enough time to charge the Sonic Hurricane! The scary thing is that aside from that leading LP Sonic Boom, this combo is actually practical! 3) I found out that the last hit of Ryo's launcher special actually juggles on its own for some reason while messing around with Ryo combos with tragic for his first C-Groove video. It looks kinda cool imo so i included it. It works because superjump canceling Ryo's launcher special gives you a free juggle, and because the opponent is knocked up so high by the lvl2 cancel, Ryo can land in time to do his lvl1 combo super. I was also going to include a Projectile Assist combo with Ryo where he throws an LP fireball, then runs up after it and does s.HK xx lvl3 Super Gut Punch. The LP fireball connects inbetween the s.HK and the super, keeping the opponent in hit stun long enough for the super to connect, but unfortunately it turns out that Ryo's LP fireball only goes about one full screen length before disappearing. Too bad, because it would have been cool i think. For the record, Ryo can combo his lvl3 Super Gut Punch after a counterhit hard attack, but that's not really all that impressive. 4) My friend waterb0y found out about Yamazaki's Sadomaso giving him a free juggle. Normally only the downward hit of Yamazaki's Guillotine juggles, so this combo would be impossible if the Sadomaso didn't result in a free juggle state. I used Joe to show that the Sadomaso can counter his slide which goes to show you another minor reason why Yamazaki is considered top tier by most top players. 5) This is essentially a CvS1 combo. It's here for two reasons. First it looks cool and hasn't been shown in any combo videos (not even CvS1 ones). Second it shows Yamazaki get K-Groove meter for reflecting fireballs just as he does when someone activates his Sadomaso counter! Pretty cheap. Sadomaso Reversals (Pseudo-Choiversals) Pretty self-explanatory i think, except that they aren't really Choiversals. In A2 days Choi came up with a way to buffer Alpha Countered normals into uppercuts or supers so that the uppercut or super only came out when the opponent actually did the Alpha Counter. It's a timing thing, and was a very clever idea. However, these Sadomaso Reversals aren't really Choiversals because the character reversing the Sadomaso isn't accounting for two situations. It's obvious that the Sadomaso counter will be activated. But the idea came from Choiversals, and the first time i did one someone said, "Who do you think you are bomberman? John Choi??" So i figured i should give credit to da man somehow. Corner Differences
This shows one of the corner differences i've found. Simply put, certain moves (usually those dealing with the opponent being knocked down in a certain direction while touching the corner) cause the opponent to fall in a different trajectory and wind up in a different spot based on which corner you're in. Another example of this is a certain set of scenarios dealing with Vega's Flying Barcelona Attack. |