Monthly Archives: December 2009

Classic Combo Challenge 02: Akuma

Who’s down for another oldschool brain teaser? Much like the previous one, this is more difficult than the SF4 challenges issued so far. It can’t be helped though, considering how many years of intense exploration the SF3 series has gone through.

All of Akuma’s Super Arts knock the opponent down.

Challenge: Using 3S Akuma, combo 25 hits or more without dizzying or juggling the opponent. Unlimited super meter is permitted.

Bonus Round: Using any SF3 series character, perform a combo containing at least two parries between distinct attacks. No dizzies allowed.

(“Distinct attacks” means you must land separate moves before and after the parries. Otherwise it would be ridiculously easy to throw a multi-hit projectile and parry random things while it automatically took care of the combo requirement.)

All credit goes to 3S combo legend SlimX for devising this challenge idea.

Weekly Screenshot: December 21, 2012

Cooler than last week’s snapshot, right? I’m starting to get the hang of it.


KE King Leo’s God Breath starting up behind Jyazu’s Jaga Zetsumei Chuu desperation move. These two are the hidden bosses of Kizuna Encounter, so they fight solo.

Whoever comes up with the best title wins the third issue of Udon’s Street Fighter II comic (with an E.Honda foil cover) in addition to a cheesy old Street Fighter II “Secrets of Shadoloo” book. As always, the rules are one entry per person and i’ll choose my favorite on Monday.

What Makes Guile an Ideal Combo Subject?

After all, Guile is the quintessential TZW character. What makes him tick?

In a word, (internal) balance.

In any given combo scenario, Guile always has multiple options but there’s always some sort of tradeoff involved. His Flash Kick, although not an exceptional combo tool by any means, is significant in the sense that it connects from well outside the maximum Sonic Boom combo range. It adds another layer to the number of charge moves Guile can fit into a combo. Each of his possibilities comes with built-in limitations, which provide the player with countless challenges to overcome, which in turn result in interesting combos.

ssf2t-guile-whiffknee-01For example, take a look at Guile’s light attack arrangement. His jabs have identical range so they’re equally useful in different situations. His standing short does more damage, but it’s a couple of frames slower. His low short has the most range and inflicts the most damage, but it’s the slowest of the four plus it’s not cancelable. There’s always a decision to be made and it always ripples throughout the rest of the combo.

Guile’s excellent F+HP backfist range makes it an everpresent option after any Sonic Boom connects. Yet it’s rarely ideal because it ends combos without much excitement. Instead, Guile can walk up to do something more impressive, but walking is never free for charge characters.

And of course, the Sonic Boom forms the core of Guile’s arsenal. It opens up countless possibilities due to its exceptionally quick recovery, but also presents countless challenges due to charge issues. Most characters don’t have that extra dimension to their gameplay. Even charge characters such as Honda and Blanka rarely utilize charge more than once per combo.

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Flashback: CvS2 Reversal Combo Exhibition

Another week without an SF4 TACV, another oldschool video re-encoded in high quality. Although this one will probably be the last, since most of the others are common knowledge to Capcom vs SNK 2 players now.

This was the last combo video i recorded before buying my ASCII PAD V Pro progammable controllers. In a way, it marks the limit of my execution skills – the point when the puzzles i wanted to solve started getting too complicated for my hands to keep up. In fact this was meant to be my final video, until too many combo ideas piled up in .txt files and a friend convinced me to give tool-assistance a try.

Even though it’s over five years old now, nearly every clip still holds up fairly well. Although now that i think about it, there weren’t very many CvS2 videos released since then. I suppose the game got too technical for its own good. Speaking of which, you can find the full combo transcript along with notes and explanations in my original writeup.

For the record, i think CvS2 still has considerable untapped combo potential, but i can’t think of anyone who knows where to look and has enough time to get it out. It’s hard finding new material in classic games examined by tens of thousands of dedicated players for the better part of a decade.

CV Spotlight: Pokey’s 09’er SF4 Combos

This video was actually released within an hour after last week’s spotlight, but first is first. Pokey86 showcases nearly every character in the entire Street Fighter 4 roster. All of them obey legit meter restrictions except the first clip and the last one. Unfortunately u2b muted the soundtrack so the first link is the better choice.

09’er Street Fighter 4 Combo Video | muted u2b link

There are lots and lots of enjoyable combos in this production, especially those focusing on Fei Long and Rose. Even that first combo is amazing, simply for the fact that he managed to remember the number of EX Dragon Punches necessary to stun Seth, and then remained calm enough to execute the finisher. What are you waiting for? Go check it out!