Flashback: CvS2 Reversal Combo Exhibition

Another week without an SF4 TACV, another oldschool video re-encoded in high quality. Although this one will probably be the last, since most of the others are common knowledge to Capcom vs SNK 2 players now.

This was the last combo video i recorded before buying my ASCII PAD V Pro progammable controllers. In a way, it marks the limit of my execution skills – the point when the puzzles i wanted to solve started getting too complicated for my hands to keep up. In fact this was meant to be my final video, until too many combo ideas piled up in .txt files and a friend convinced me to give tool-assistance a try.

Even though it’s over five years old now, nearly every clip still holds up fairly well. Although now that i think about it, there weren’t very many CvS2 videos released since then. I suppose the game got too technical for its own good. Speaking of which, you can find the full combo transcript along with notes and explanations in my original writeup.

For the record, i think CvS2 still has considerable untapped combo potential, but i can’t think of anyone who knows where to look and has enough time to get it out. It’s hard finding new material in classic games examined by tens of thousands of dedicated players for the better part of a decade.

7 thoughts on “Flashback: CvS2 Reversal Combo Exhibition

  1. Maj Post author

    Really? Why that one?

    That clip was only included to show how Capcom changed the properties of Ken’s HP Shoryuken from CvS Amateur to CvS Pro. I think i actually performed that combo by myself, switching controllers after throwing the LP Yoga Fire and then pressing Sim’s DF+LP with my pinky fingers. Took forever.

  2. Keiko

    The Raiden Combo at 1:26 is amazing.
    Love the CVS Pro Combos, there are so many few footages for that game, only the Type XYS Harvest Video comes to my mind right now.

  3. Bob Sagat

    You could easily use Kyo’s pose at about two minutes in as a new screenshot. “Electrical Kusanagi Flame!”

  4. Maj Post author

    I’d use it if i could get a native resolution screenshot of it, but these clips were recorded at 320×240 resolution with a 10-year old Dazzle DVC capture card which automatically encoded everything in MPEG-1.

    For now i’m gonna have to stick to oldschool CPS1/CPS2/NeoGeo games cuz it’ll be a while before i run out of ground to cover.

  5. StreakSRM

    Full screen combos are amusing to me, and the fireball combo’ing after he’s been tagged by the uppercut is so ridiculous to me coming from a 3rd Strike background.

  6. Maj Post author

    Ah okay, that makes sense now. Thanks for coming back to explain. At one point back then, that whole temporary juggle state mechanic was a huge mystery, especially since we couldn’t figure out why certain moves connected fully after juggle CC’s and others partially or not at all. So these minor experiments were interesting to us CvS2 aficionados. Unfortunately that kind of thing is the first to become dated because it seems standard/elementary once the combo system becomes common knowledge.

    But i don’t care how old it gets, i think i’m always going to have a soft spot for this video. There’s so much cool stuff in it, like how it tours every stage variant in CvS2 and contains every Rolento color palette.

    It also touches upon so much of what i love about the game. (I hope nobody minds if i reminsce a little.) For example, the 0:29 Terry combo might seem simple, but it’s one of my favorite CvS2 combos because of how perfectly the juggle numbers work out. Same goes for the Mai combo at 0:34, because the whole sequence flows so fluidly.

    Of course, a few combos could have been improved by breaking away from the reversal theme, but i didn’t want to make that compromise. In particular, it would’ve been easy to add a couple of normal moves to 0:40 Cammy and 1:27 Raiden. Probably CvS1 Ryo at 1:51 as well. Then there’s 0:48 Sagat, which can’t be improved by adding extra moves but could’ve produced more hits against Chun Li’s abnormal falling hitbox.

    But then i watch 1:02 Rugal and 1:58 CvS1 Kyo; suddenly the shortcomings don’t bother me anymore. And the slow-motion lightning strike at 2:27? Tell me that’s not satisfying to watch.

    Without a doubt though, the absolute coolest thing in the whole video is the A-Rolento dual layer grenade CC at 1:42. I actually remember thinking of that combo and having absolutely no clue whatsoever where that idea came from. It felt so utterly foreign; almost scary. As if someone else had planted it directly into my head.

    I don’t know, i can’t describe the feeling. It was damn cool though.

    Anyway i like how the video thumbnail turned out so festive. Goes well with the sound of pouring rain outside.

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