Weekly Screenshot: Happy Birthday, Sari!

Since i’m terrible at naming these things anyway, how about i let you guys do it? In fact i’ll even give away my medium size official Evo2k9 shirt to whoever comes up with the best title. Just post a comment with your idea, one entry per person, and i’ll choose my favorite on Monday. Please do me a favor and try not to post anything offensive.


SFA3 V-Dhalsim’s Alpha Counter is triggered by HK Stinger as LP Yoga Fire triggers V-Rolento’s Alpha Counter.

19 thoughts on “Weekly Screenshot: Happy Birthday, Sari!

  1. DiosX

    Dhalsims Wife : Ugh this is going to take forever. Hells Kitchen is about to come on…. * YOGA LIGHTNING ! *

    Dhalsim and Rolento : ” What Th- YAARRGGHH.

  2. Maj Post author

    Believe it or not dude, you actually won. It came down to yours, Flash Dance 101, Yoga Thunderstorm, and Tesla Counter. I couldn’t decide so i just flipped a coin. (Except instead of a coin i used random KoF98 matches on u2b since i don’t know the game’s full tier structure and don’t recognize any top player names.)

    Anyway e-mail me your address and i’ll go mail it to you. Congratulations!

    Thanks to everyone for participating. You guys are definitely way better at this than me. I’ll try to have a mini-contest every week, with different prizes every time.

  3. Maj Post author

    Koatl: Your shirt is in the mail as of three hours ago. Would you mind posting a quick comment when you receive it, just so i know the Evo2k9 shirt saga is finally over?

  4. Maj Post author

    Haha i don’t (want to) know how the local post office network did it, but they certainly got it to you fast. Impossibly fast. Mysteriously, even.

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