CV Spotlight: Renegade / UltraDavid Zangief Double Feature

Not one, but two Zangief videos for you viewing pleasure. Both of these are incredibly informative Street Fighter IV strategy videos, and they certainly do contain combos. Check ’em out if you play Gief or hate playing against Russian wrestlers or enjoy acquiring advanced gameplay information about games you don’t play strictly for academic purposes. You know, for theory fighter, forum arguments, and such.

SF4 Zangief Punishments and Errata

First up, Renegade covers an insane number of common as well as obscure situations which arise during matches. He provides Gief’s most damaging way to punish everything you’re likely to come across. After all, Zangief may not land as many hits as those other characters with lightning legs and fire boots, but he certainly knows how to make them count.

Option Selects – Zangief

UltraDavid has compiled a thoroughly comprehensive rundown of Zangief’s option select capabilities. Once you learn these tricks, half the game will practically play itself. More importantly, you’ll gain a better understanding of how the game’s decision system functions. That way if you run into someone who always seems to be guessing right, you’ll have a much easier time breaking down what they’re actually doing to spot a weakness. By the way, this happens to be the first half of his two-part strategy guide. Keep an eye out for the second installment, which should be available shortly.

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